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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_template
Module Wd_templatemodule Wd_template:User access to the template definitions exception Template_not_found of
Raised when a template cannot be found.
The argument is the name of the missing template
The type of template definitions
The type of instantiated templates ("XML trees")
Many of the following functions either have an Wd_types.application_type
object as first argument or a Wd_types.dialog_type object. These
objects contain "background information" that are necessary to do their
Note that the base dialog class instead of
.val get : get app n : looks up the template with name n , or raise
Template_not_found .val apply : apply dlg t params : instantiates the template t with parameters
params and returns the result.
If more parameters are supplied than actually referenced in the
template, these are silently ignored.
If parameters are referenced that are missing in params , an
Wd_types.Instantiation_error happens.val apply_byname : apply_byname dlg n params = apply (get n) params : instantiates
the template with name n with parameters params and returns
the result. See apply for the possible exceptions.
val apply_lazily : apply_lazily dlg n params : creates a tree node which applies the
template n by instantiating the parameters params .
The tree node is simply a "<ui:use template=...>...</ui:use> " node,
and it is expanded only when needed.val concat : concat app sep l : if l = [n1;n2;...;nN] , the concatenation
n1 . sep . n2 . sep ... sep . nN is formed.val empty :
A tree node which expands to the empty string.
val text : text app s : Forms a tree node which expands to the text s . This
means if s contains meta characters (esp. <, >, &) these are
converted to their corresponding entities (< > & etc)val html : html app s : Forms a tree node which expands exactly to s . This means
that if s contains HTML meta characters these are left as they are.
Because of this it is possible to include HTML elements. The
string s is not parsed.
NOTE: It is not possible to create ui:* elements with this function that will be interpreted. If you want to create such elements you must instantiate templates containing them.
Internally, this function creates a val to_string : to_string dlg t : converts the tree representation t to its string
representation. You need this function to put a tree into
a string variable.
You can then insert this variable into your document by using
<ui:dynamic variable="name-of-variable" special="yes"/> .
For convenience, dialogs have a method
NOTE: The expansion process assumes that the generated HTML code
will be inserted into a main page and not a popup page. |