There are a number of predefined templates that can be
used by application programmers.
wd-null: This template expands to the
empty string.
wd-int: This template expands to the
value of the parameter $int. It is intended to be used
in iterators like ui:iterate:
<ui:iterate template="wd-int" variable="x">
<ui:iter-separator>, </ui:iter-separator>
This example iterates over the contents of x
(either a dynamic enumerator or an associative variable),
and prints the internal values, separated by commas.
wd-ext: This template expands to the
value of the parameter $ext. It is intended to be used
in iterators like ui:iterate:
<ui:iterate template="wd-ext" variable="x">
<ui:iter-separator>, </ui:iter-separator>
This example iterates over the contents of x
(either a dynamic enumerator or an associative variable),
and prints the external values, separated by commas.
wd-doctype-html401-strict: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the strict HTML 4.01 DTD.
wd-doctype-html401-transitional: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the transitional HTML 4.01 DTD.
wd-doctype-html401-frameset: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the HTML 4.01 frameset DTD.
wd-doctype-html40-strict: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the strict HTML 4.0 DTD.
wd-doctype-html40-transitional: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the transitional HTML 4.0 DTD.
wd-doctype-html40-frameset: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the HTML 4.0 frameset DTD.
wd-doctype-html32: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the HTML 3.2 DTD.
wd-doctype-html20: Expands to the
DOCTYPE line for the HTML 2.0 DTD.