WDialog |
WDialog is a system to make dialog-centric web applications. It imitates the behaviour of widgets found in GUIs, but acts in a HTML/HTTP environment. There is a UI language (XML), but callbacks are coded in a normal programming language (O'Caml, Perl).
WDialog is written in the programming language Objective Caml. For people who do not want to learn another language, there are also Perl bindings providing 90 per cent of the whole functionality.
WDialog Homepage - including a reference manual, installation instructions, etc.
WDialog Project Page - download released code, view the CVS repository, where to find the mailing list
Contact the authors: Gerd Stolpmann - Postal address: Gerd Stolpmann, Viktoriastr. 45, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Related Pages: Objective Caml homepage, Findlib, Netstring and PXP sources, PCRE for Caml
WDialog has mainly been developed by Gerd Stolpmann as employee of Joachim Schrod NPC GmbH. It has been used in several commercial projects, but Joachim Schrod NPC GmbH is a consulting firm and not interested in selling it as a product. So we have decided to make it available for everybody under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.
Well, this is the official story. Of course, I am very grateful that Joachim lets me publish it, although the development costs were not negligible. Joachim is convinced of the idea of free software, and sees the WDialog project as a possibility to give the community something back. Last but not least, this is also a way to motivate me and to escape from the daily work.
By the way, we would appreciate it that developers help us to improve WDialog.
WDialog is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Copyright holders are Joachim Schrod NPC GmbH and Gerd Stolpmann.
Version 2.1: Inclusion of several new session managers (in-memory session manager, daemon session manager).
Extension of the "bracket expressions": There are many new functions.
New element ui:ifexpr which takes a boolean bracket expression as argument. The element ui:if can process any number of value arguments. The elements ui:if and ui:ifvar can call all functions, not only comparison functions.
A bug in ui:context has been fixed.
The serialization format has been changed. It is now secure against attacks based on malformed strings.
Version 2.0.2: Updates for findlib-1.0
Version 2.0.1: Updates for OCamlNet 0.96
Version 2.0: First public release
Versions 1.X: These are the versions prior to the first public release.
WDialog |